Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 8 post op - Slight detour

Things had been rolling along swimmingly, like a slow moving train through a colorful countryside in full spring time bloom. Unfortunately, last Friday this choo choo slowly started to derail, with things completely coming unglued Sunday morning. Admittedly, I've been pushing myself, but not too hard. I can honestly say that I never pushed through any pain and the moment I felt any sign that something wasn't right I backed off and rested. Doc told me to let pain be my guide, which is what I did. I've been walking everywhere, and doing the prescribed back exercises I was cleared to do and my back was being fairly cooperative, for the most part. On hikes I was deliberate in my steps and always took extra caution when planting my feet. And along with regular massages and chiropractic treatments I've been spoiling myself.

When my back took its detour I felt what I can only describe as electrical-like pain. It felt like a dozen bees started simultaneously stinging my lower back, then traveled down my left leg, stinging me along the way to my foot. The spasms have since subsided, but things are pretty tight at the moment, and my left leg and left foot are a bit numb. My tolerance for sitting and standing has definitely taken a huge step back. I feel like I did about 5 weeks ago. I was starting to get my swagger back and feel like my old self. Looks like that's going to have to wait. I can't deny, I'm feeling rather demoralized, and I'm fighting the desire to give in. But I know I can't. So I'll mope and pout for another day or so and get back in the race.

In the meantime it looks like I'll be spending a little more time in Pain Town. My chiro thinks this is just a bump in the road. The x-rays I had taken yesterday show the disc is still snug as a bug and hasn't migrated. I hadn't experienced any referral pain since I've been home and was hoping I'd just bypass that step during my recovery, but alas, I'm not so lucky. So for the time being it's back to bed rest, short walks around the block, ice, and spending far too much time online. My doc in Germany said this is temporary and will pass, which I believe. But it's getting passed the idea that something like this can strike again without notice that scares me. So I'll be walking on egg shells for a while.

Wish I could have reported something more positive. Still moving, just not forward at the moment.



  1. Hey Ian;

    Follow your blog as well as your comments on ADR Support. I just thought I should pipe in and let you know how important your blog is for us thinking about this procedure is. I hope this is a small bump on the road and you will be on the highway of life real soon again.
    Cheers and thanks again for documenting your journey.


    1. Thanks, Dude! I appreciate it and glad it helps. I'm sure this is just a temporary setback, but damn it's disappointing. Just means I'll have to hold off on getting back on my bike a little while longer.

      I hoe you're doing well,
      - Ian
