Friday, February 28, 2014

Two steps forward... step back.

Pain is a fickle mistress. Last night was a tough one. I wasn't able to sleep much because of the flaming torch being shoved into my back. My stomach decided to join the party as well, but it chose hot coals instead of a burning flame.  But I realize pain is cyclical, so I'm hoping for an upswing soon.

My stomach is somewhat distended after surgery, and probably not going down for a while. I did a little research and found out that women who have c-sections take from 4 to 8 weeks to recover around the incision area. And no, I'm not comparing my surgery with child birth! Mine was way more painful! Pardon me while I run and hide now...

I just got back from a stroll with my lovely physical therapist, Julia. We did some stairs for the first time, which felt good. Another exercise to add to my slowly expanding repertoire. Before long I'll be doing sit ups in bed!

If I was a lover of fatty foods I would thoroughly enjoy eating my way through Germany. Unfortunately, I do enjoy my steady intake of fruits and vegetables, which are in short supply around here. What I wouldn't give for a nice, juicy carrot right about now!

OK, off to do more stairs. Someone please a eat of head lettuce and tell me how it tastes.

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