Monday, June 16, 2014

A new normal?

I had a conversation recently with an old friend who is a little conservative in how he chooses to live his life. He takes few real risks with his body and considers popping a jalepeno in his mouth living on the edge. But he's a warm and caring person and someone I've always considered a good friend.

After listening to me drone on about the slow pace of my recovery he said, "You might need to consider that this could be your new normal." I smiled a mildly contemptuous smile and changed the subject for fear of lashing out. This is a very sore subject for me and ranks right up there with, "Be patient."

This notion that any period in your life is a 'New Normal' is something I attribute to people who either don't possess the stones to keep pushing or just accept what's in front of them. Admitting to yourself that whatever you feel at a given moment is your New Normal is basically saying, 'I'm done trying, I'm just going to accept where I'm at, grab a pint of Phish Food, and become one with the couch.'

Fuck that! New Normal my ass! My entire life has been an ever evolving Cirque Du, Du, Du...Do whatever the hell I want! When my body tells me I can't do something, I simply adapt to what I can do. That is my god damn Normal!

And while we're on the subject of patience - unless you have daily migraines, or a knee that never works right, or a shoulder that's perpetually separated, or a back that burns the moment you wake up and remains on fire until you lay down to sleep, you don't know what patience is. Unless you've spent 25 years with what can best be described as a 40 pound sack of flour strapped to your back, day in and day out, slowly collapsing your spine, you haven't the foggiest idea what it means to be patient.

So let this be a warning to anyone who tells me to be patient with my recovery. I know! Stop telling me to be patient as if I have no insight into my life story. I appreciate your kindness and the manner in which it's offered, but I'm full to the brim with patience..

Cranky much? OK, clearly I need to get a drink. Whose joining me!

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