Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pedalin' to town

Hey kids! So, it's still been peaks and valleys lately. But I'm back on the bike and logging some fun miles each week. I'm far from pain free while on the bike (or off it for that matter), but I can physically ride, which is a far cry from just a few months ago.

I live about a 6 mile drive from town (Santa Cruz) in a smaller town in the Santa Cruz mountains, and it's been torture having to actually drive. Torture because I hate driving. Cars suck, bikes rule, end of story. So any time I've got an appointment or just feel like grabbing a taco at world famous Tacos Moreno in SC, I pedal when I can. It's a bit longer by bike (a good thing), and far more enjoyable, and I can avoid asphalt for all but maybe a quarter mile. So today I had a 1 on 1 appointment with my yoga instructor and felt the itch to ride. I decided to document my little trip on my iPhone 3. Yes, it's a 7 year old iPhone, so get over it. How many phones have you broken in the past 7 years? It simply will not die! So when (if) it finally does kick the bucket I might upgrade to an iPhone 4. 

It's a bit herky jerky in parts and smooth in others. If you feel like a seizure is coming on feel free to skip to the 3:30 mark where it gets all buttery smooth.

Enjoy! I know I did!

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